Mastering Self-Defense: Lesson 1, How to Physically React to What You See
It is a highly illustrated book complete with everything you need to know to do all the drills and quickly increase your reaction time. And as a plus, you will learn how to defend and attack simultaneously without thinking.
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Mastering self-defense, to me, is having the ability to defend on an extremely high level. Not letting an attacker touch you, no matter how many there are. You just touch them! My guess for most of you, this might seem a bit far-fetched, but over the years, I have seen this ability pretty much in everyone I’ve trained.
My students are taught a specific curriculum that increases their skills in each area needed to master self-protection.
And out of all the necessary skills, learning to react to what you see comes first on the list.
Being able to react quickly to what you see will allow you to shut down an attacker from the very beginning. This is essential for anyone when they want to defend themselves. This first lesson will dramatically increase your physical reaction speed from all you see and program your subconscious to attack and defend simultaneously.
In this book, you will learn the process I used to help many people immediately increase their speed of response while learning to defend and attack simultaneously.

Overview & Preview
17 Chapters
86 Pages
Mastery of anything means a person has been doing something for a long time. That’s a lot of years of learning, practicing, and training to get the ability up to do well at the task at hand. I know because I’ve been studying the art of fighting for over the last thirty years. Along the way, I’ve had a few failures, which were significant events in life where a loss taught me a needed lesson. These were lessons that made me become a better fighter.
After learning these lessons, I was able to take all of my experience from martial arts, boxing, and teaching people how to fight for over twenty-five years and create one of the most innovative, results-driven, self-defense courses in the nation. You see, mastering self-defense is possible. I’ve personally seen hundreds of people do it.
Out of all these people, only a tiny portion had natural ability. You know, like good hand-and-eye coordination and athleticism. Just as you could imagine, the majority of the people didn’t. Still, they all increased their skills dramatically after the first drill session.
These drills are from a process I put together to build hand-and-eye coordination. For those of you who don’t know, having good hand-and-eye coordination in fighting is having the ability to see an attack and respond quickly enough to control the outcome.
For instance, if someone tries to grab or strike you. And you redirect that person’s attack with a simple block while hitting that person simultaneously. That’s what I’m talking about, a rapid connection between the mind and body. This ability is in the first lesson I’ve been teaching people since the mid-nineties. After seeing the results of the people that I’ve been training all those years, I decided to make myself available to help everyone on this planet to master self-defense.
I took the first lesson, put it in a book, and made it available to the public. It’s called Mastering Self-Defense: Lesson 1, How to Physically React to What You See. It is a highly illustrated book complete with everything you need to know to do all the drills and quickly increase your reaction time. And as a plus, you will learn how to defend and attack simultaneously without thinking. If this interests you, don’t wait; click here to increase your ability right now!

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It is a highly illustrated book complete with everything you need to know to do all the drills and quickly increase your reaction time. And as a plus, you will learn how to defend and attack simultaneously without thinking.
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